Donate Today & Give the Gift of Vision.

Your gift will provide much needed eye care to the people of Ghana.

Donate Today & Give the Gift of Vision. image


raised towards $2,500,000 goal




Your gift will provide much needed eye care to the people of Ghana.

We are fundraising to reduce preventable eye disease in Ghana

Currently, there are 100 ophthalmologists serving entire population of 30 million people in Ghana. The Ghana National Blindness and Visual Impairment study conducted in 2015-2016 reported that the most common causes of blindness and severe visual impairment included cataract, glaucoma and uncorrected refractive. These previously mentioned causes are preventable and have cost-effective interventions.

The West African Health Foundation seeks to establish a Specialist Eye Institute as a regional center of excellence in Juaben, a town near Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana, located in the Ashanti region.

We commenced the construction of the Eye Institute in December 2019. The WAHF is making steady progress in the construction of the Eye institute. The block work, plastering, installation of window frames and burglar proofing have been completed. A concrete tower for the poly tank water storage system, a septic tank and sewer system have also been constructed. A perimeter wall and an entrance gate to provide security to the 2 acre property is near completion.

There is more to be done but we are very excited because our vision of providing excellent eye care to treat conditions that cause blindness in the underserved communities of Ghana is close to realization. We continue to depend on your generous and selfless giving to complete this Eye Institute!

Generous supporters have already raised $450,000.

The next phase of the construction:

  • Installation of Ceiling
  • Tiling
  • Completion of electrical wiring/ fixtures
  • Completion of plumbing.
  • Bathrooms fixtures/vanity
  • CCTV, Computer Network, Intercom,
  • Sprinkler system etc
  • Pavement work/Landscaping
  • Equipment


2022 Eye Institute Construction Update

2019 Annual Mission Trip to Juaben, Ghana: "Focus on the Vision"